Losing weight is as easy as 1-2-3. Sort of.


I’ve been losing weight, slowly and steadily. I’m down about 30 lbs in the past 6 months. Not breaking any weight-loss records, but a healthy loss of 1-2 lbs week.  I’m still fat, but not as fat as I was 6 months ago, and fatter than I’ll be in another 6 months. And here’s the thing – it’s been easy. Really easy. As easy as 1-2-3. Really. The short version of the 1-2-3 weight loss plan:

  1. Move more.
  2. Eat less.
  3. Drink water.

The long version (Or, the 1-2-3 plan that’s working for me):

  1. Move more. Put one foot in front of the other. And walk. That’s it, just walk. But walk more than you would if you weren’t thinking about it. I aim for 10,000 – 12,000 steps/day. Some days I make it to 15,000. Other days I barely make it to 1,000. But by and large, I’m getting between 10,000 – 12,000 steps a day. Some days I walk quickly and try to get my heart pumping more. Other days I just stroll.  To help push me to get my steps in, I use a fitbit. One foot in front of the other. That’s the one in my 1-2-3 plan.
  1. Eat less. The concept isn’t too difficult in theory. In practice, it’s slightly more complicated. For most fat people, to get un-fat requires following a food plan. Which plan? The plan that works. Meaning, the plan you can stick with. At different points in my life that plan has been Weight Watchers, The Carb Addicts Diet, South Beach, Neris & India’s Idiot-Proof Diet. At this moment in my life that plan is the 5:2 Diet. Details on the plan are in links below, but in essence it’s about being super careful 2 days a week, and then not really worrying about what I eat the other 5. A two-day-a-week diet. The two in my 1-2-3 plan.
  1. Drink water. It’s amazing how much difference it makes. Many health experts advise drinking 6-8 glasses a day. That’s about 64 ounces. Others suggest basing water consumption on current weight. Medical experts recommend that we drink enough water so that our urine is clear and odorless. A state which my dear friend Darina (a nurse no less) classifies as “pee nirvana.” I try for 2-3 liters (67-100 ounces) a day, aiming for 3 liters as often as I can. Three liters of water a day. That would be the three in my 1-2-3 plan.

My 1-2-3 advice to anyone who is trying to lose weight?

  1. Be more active than you are today.
  2. Find an eating plan that you can stick with and stick with it.
  3. Drink water. Lots of water.

Move more, eat less, drink water.

Or, as Darina would say: Move more, eat less, pee nirvana. It’s as easy as 1-2-3.

Want to know more?

More about the benefits of walking 10,000 steps a day.

More about the fitbit.

More about the 5:2 diet. And even more about the 5:2 diet.

More about the benefits of drinking more water.

5 thoughts on “Losing weight is as easy as 1-2-3. Sort of.

  1. Marcy Boroff says:

    Rachel. Congratulations on your weight loss. 1-2 pounds is the way to go. quick question– do you find yourself eating healthier on your 5 days because of you 1-2-3 plan. I like your plan and will share it with those I love (maria). I lost some weight with weight watchers a few years ago and still write most of my food down


    • Hi Marci – and thank you. I think the answer is sometimes. But definitely not always. I’m a bit if a junk food junkie and while I’ve cut back, I still don’t make the healthiest choices all – or even most – of the time. On the two days however, I’m a stickler.


  2. Marcy Boroff says:

    Since I joined WW 2 1/2 years ago, and used their point system and the leader talked about budgeting, it has been much easier for me to balance my unhealthy eating with my healthy eating.
    one more question–on the 2 days do you starve or eat healthy? I am wary of starving.


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