Paper & Pen Journaling in an App Infused World

paper and pen

I grew up in a paper and pen world, and as an adult I learned to embrace the world of digital writing. My life today is organized by Outlook and iPhone calendars. My to-do lists (and shopping lists and packing lists and loads of other lists) are created and updated in an app that seamlessly syncs to all my various devices. And it practically goes without saying that when I have writing to do, it happens in MS Word. Yet I still take great comfort in the world of paper & pen, at least sometimes. At the start of every workweek I refer to my to-do app, and then proceed to write out the specific list for that week in a notebook. It may not seem logical, or even efficient, but in a professional world that is often defined by chaos, it helps to keep me a bit more in control and accountable. Continue reading


I think it’s only polite that I introduce myself. Which I’ve also done in the “About Me” section.” The thing is, I don’t think many people read that section. Not that I think many people are reading the blog posts either, but they just might be a slightly larger teeny number than those who click on “About Me” links.

I’m Rachel. I don’t have anything in particular I need to say. But I have a lot to say. About a lot of things. And about nothing in particular.  I’m American, and have been living in the Middle East for 20-ish years.  A few random things about me: Continue reading